The Project

The aim of the project “Freundschaftsradroute – a systemic process” was the creation of a quality cycling route that connects three countries and crosses the Alps. The route begins in Munich and leads over the Brenner, the Pustertal and Cortina d`Ampezzo to Venice. The route leads partly on existing cycle routes with a uniform and attractive brand identity. All partners cooperate together: Bavarian, Austrian, South Tyrolean and North Italian partners work together as a part of the EU funding INTERREG 4a.

This Alps-spanning, bicycle tourist product uniquely positions the whole Eastern Alps region: The “Freundschaftsradroute” closes the supply gap of an “Alpine cycling tour for everyone” and creates attractive possibilities to connect to existing long-distance bicycle roads like the Claudia Augusta or the Drauradweg. Attractive, to be fleshed out thematic worlds, concepts and experience orchestration will appeal additional target demographics and -markets via appropriate communication and distribution channels. Together with municipalities, tourism organisations and service partners, consistent quality standards were developed for roads, signage, and services like accommodations, catering, as well as luggage transportation, shuttle and return trips. In the future, these will be permanently established.

