
Here you can find all useful information for your cycling tour Munich to Venice. We collected useful advice for planning, but you also find information if you need help and support while travelling.

Tourism information

Tourism information is available during your tour. On the next sites you find all information that can help you with planning, or help and advise you during your tour.

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Transport & parking

If you want to begin your cycle route “Munich Venice” from a particular starting point we recommend arriving by train or car. In the individual regions you find train stations, park & ride parking places and shuttle services.

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Bicycle parking - Venice

Arriving at your destination in Venice, there is a new way we can safely store bicycles in boxes right on Piazzale Roma.

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Safety and Orientation

The whole cycle route “Munich Venice” is uniformly signposted according to the criteria of national cycling clubs. An optimal signage across the route from Munich to Venice is guaranteed.

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Information Brochures

All regions across the cycling route offer special information for cyclists and delight travellers. Use the information brochures, bike cards and more information for your travel ­– from Munich to Venice.

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Bike rental

Most cyclists prefer to ride their own bike. Should you find this too exhausting, you can use the possibility to rent a bike in one of the many bike rentals along the route.

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Packing list

“I packed my bag and in it I put…”

We prepared a list of things to keep in mind, and essential supplies to pack for a trip along the cycle trail.

Packing list

Planning a Bike Tour

For all those who are cycling for the first time on a longer route, many questions arise before the tour. In this section we would like to give you some help and advice on how to plan your tour so that it will be a success.

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